Goldleaf v0.7 Released

Goldleaf v0.7 Released

XorTroll has once again released a major update to his Goldleaf, which is a multi-purpose homebrew application for the Nintendo Switch that allows you to manage various aspects of the console including a SD Card Browser, Memory Browser and utilities to still and manage homebrew NSP titles. This new version comes with a ton a new functionality including the ability to manually unlink Nintendo accounts from your system.

What's New?


*  Remote PC

    *  Unicode is now supported. No more complaints with special characters in drive labels or folders!

    *  Read size was dropped again to 8MB (from previous 16MB), to make USB more stable (16MB size might cause unstability)

    *  Added option to select a file directly on the remote PC tool (basically same system as on [=0.5 Goldleaf versions, for those who like the classic system!)

    *  Goldtree's messages were slightly changed to be more accurate. Now it shows its version to avoid confusion between different executables.

*  NSP installs

    *  The NSP's name is shown above (instead of the directory).

    *  ETA (estimated time for the install to finish) is now shown too.

    *  Now Goldleaf always obtains the NSP's key generation (previously only when it had a ticket) and compares it to a computed system one, in order to block installs with higher key generations (mostly since the contents couldn't be decryptable, thus utterly useless)

    *  Now install location is just chosen once, at the start of batch NSP installs (all NSPs within a directory)

    *  Multi-content installations (just a few titles currently) work now (didn't seem to work on 0.6.x)

*  Title dump / export

    *  Titles are always dumped inside concatenation files (HOS's archive bit directories, used to support +4GB files), what means +4GB titles can safely be dumped on FAT32, and directly installed.

    *  Fixed errors dumping updates and DLCs. They should work fine now.

*  General

    *  A big part of the code was reformatted: several small bugs fixed, others not that small mentioned below.

    *  Added a warning and success / failure messages for directory deleting.

    *  Goldleaf no longer relies on its custom libnx fork, since its only worthy difference was its (slightly) custom USB code, which has been merged in Goldleaf. This doesn't involve any performance changes, but less complexity in order to build the project.

    *  Copying files from PC to SD which are over 4GB is now correctly handled, creating a concatenation file (see above) to correctly handle it.

    *  The forwarder was updated with hbloader's latest version, thus now the forwarder's version is 0.2.

*  User / accounts

    *  Users have a more important role in Goldleaf. Now an account has to be selected in order to use several user-related features.

    *  Added support for unlinking (locally ONLY) accounts, mainly for banned people who want to unlink their accounts in order to delete them.

*  Content manager

    *  Fixed a bug where the base title's size would be shown always, even when checking only updates or DLC.

    *  Added play statistics support, both for user-only (user must be selected first, see above) and global, this includes last played time and total play time for both.

    *  Fixed bugs where contents whose base title is on a different location than updates/DLCs would be shown incorrecly.

*  UI

    *  Unicode changes stated above

    *  The system's shared font is no longer used, due to its lack of unicode characters. Instead, a new font is used from now on: Roboto (medium), aka Android's standard font.

    *  Two new clickable icons have been added to the bottom right side of Goldleaf's top banner: one for user selection, while the other one for help and control information.

    *  Some small corrections made: size adjustments, with no connection no IP or default text will be shown from now on.

    *  Plutonium corrections with newlines and text sizes make dialog sizes more well measured now (previously, a single newline would make the dialog as wide as the entire screen)

    *  Several icon changes (forwarder's icon and amiibo dump), thanks to C4Phoenix for all his help with graphic resources since 0.1!

    *  Goldleaf now has been compiled with an experimental Plutonium branch which uses smart pointers instead of raw pointers aiming no memory leaks!

    *  Now, Goldleaf also supports dutch language! Thanks a lot to Mega for helping with the translation!


Goldleaf is a multi-purpose homebrew application for the Nintendo Switch that allows you to manage various aspects of the console including a SD Card Browser, Memory Browser and utilities to still and manage homebrew NSP titles.


These are its main features:

* SD card browser: A simple but fully equiped file browser for the SD card, supporting several file formats (such as NSP, NRO, NACP, NXTheme, JPEG, tickets...), and with support for copying, pasting, renaming, deleting and creating files and directories.

* Console memory browser: Same browser but to be used with NAND partitions, which also warns when writing or deleting content as it can be dangerous.

* USB installer: Via USB connection, you can send NSPs from Goldtree or other PC clients and install them into your console. Keep in mind that this feature is unstable, and might face bugs and issues.

* Content manager: Browse any kind of content in your SD card, console memory or game cartridge. You can browse all the NCAs, and as title options, you can remove the content, or export it as a NSP. NAND SYSTEM contents (system titles or contents) aren't allowed to be deleted. Invidual contents such as updates or DLC can be removed individually.

* Ticket manager: Browse all tickets, both common and personalized. You can remove them, but an extra warning will be displayed when attempting to remove tickets being used by some content.

* Internet via web applets: Using the console's web applets, Goldleaf allows to search and navigate through web pages. If Goldleaf is launched through hbmenu as a NRO, WifiWebAuth applet will be used, which tends to fail sometimes, along with fewer features, such as lack of video support.

* User account manager: Select a user account, and easily change things as the user's nickname or even delete it. Via the file browsers you can replace a user's icon with a JPEG image, but it can be a risky action. The icon needs to be a valid JPEG, with 256x256 dimensions. Goldleaf checks if the icon is valid to replace the other one.

* Console information: Simple menu to see current firmware string, and the total free and occupied size on SD card and console memory.


Please refer to the [a href=""]Goldleaf page[/a] on Github for detailed usage instructions.

### Credits

The main concepts of Goldleaf are and have been developed by XorTroll, but without the effort and support of many others, this project wouldn't be what it is now:

(from all the people listed below, special thanks to Adubbz, exelix, C4Phoenix, The-4n and SciresM, for their huge support on their respective areas of homebrew)

*   Adubbz and all the (old) [Tinfoil]( contributors, for their huge work with title installing.

*   exelix and Qcean team, for all their huge support with Home Menu themes. Goldleaf uses (adapted) [SwitchThemesCommon]( libraries to handle theme installs.

*   C4Phoenix, for his awesome work doing this project's logo, and the GIF displayed when launching the installed version.

*   All the icons except Goldleaf's one (see credit above) were grabbed from [Icons8](

*   2767mr, for all the support for making USB installs more stable, and the work-in-progress .NET core version of Goldtree.

*   The-4n, for [hacBrewPack](, to make completely legal NSPs.

*   SciresM for [hactool](, which was ported as a library to make NCA extraction a thing in Goldleaf.

*   Thealexbarney, for his C# libraries for various Nintendo Switch formats: LibHac, used by Goldtree.

*   Simon for his libusbK implementation for C#, which has made Goldtree client possible.

*   shchmue for FATFS libs and the system to get titlekeys without breaking processes, found in [Lockpick](

*   Translators: [unbranched]( and [exelix]( for Italian, [tiliarou]( and [FuryBaguette]( for French, and [LoOkYe]( for German. (Both English and Spanish were made by me)

*   All the testers, for reporting bugs and helping a lot with the project's development.

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