hekate - CTCaer mod v5.0.2 & Nyx v0.8.2 Released - 9.0.0 Support Added

hekate - CTCaer mod v5.0.2 & Nyx v0.8.2 Released - 9.0.0 Support Added

CTCaer has released an updated version of Hekate along with a version of the recently released touch responsive GUI named Nyx for the Nintendo Switch hybrid video gaming console. hekate - CTCaer mod is a custom Nintendo Switch boot loader (also known as a 'payload') which allows you to boot into Linux, patch the official firmware to allow homebrew execution and includes functionality to backup and restore various aspects of the console (including the NAND flash) and mange emuMMC installations along with external payload booting all from an interactive touch responsive GUI.

hekate - CTCaer mod & Nyx v5.0.2 & v0.8.2 should be used along side with Atmosphere v0.9.4 which was also released yesterday.

Hekate or another payload is required for use with the Fusee Gelee exploit and is usually injected via an external dongle, smart device or computer.

If you're interested on how to use Hekate to create and boot into an emuMMC NAND installation check out my guide entitled The Nintendo Switch Homebrew - From Stock to emuMMC CFW (Guide) which covers using the latest Hekate and Atmosphere CFW while utilizing emuMMC! Check it out!

What's New?


# New in this version

*  Full support for 9.0.0
*  Fixed SaltyNX for emuMMC 8.x.x
    There was an issue with fs mitm patches where it caused hangs for SaltyNX.
*  Add support for forced AutoBoot via id key - Android reboot
    You can now add `id=max7char` to your boot entries and hekate can be instructed to autoboot via only this.
    This will be helpfull especially with many Linux distros and Android (id=SWRANDR).
*  AutoNOGC protection for fatal errors in emuMMC
    NOGC will now be applied automatically when fuses are ]= 9.0.0 and emuMMC is less than that.
*  Streamline power cycles for Sandisk U1 SDR104
    No more hangs because of this.
*  Fix CPU/GPU on warmboot reboot from Linux/Android
*  Allow critical info to be shown when a fatal error occurs while AutoBooting HOS
    Now, before booting Nyx right away, it will show the error message and wait for a button press.
*  Add exosphere/kernel no user exceptions handler cfg
*  And many other bugfixes

# New in emuMMC

*  9.0.0 support

The binary is based on [m4xw/emuMMC@4b5d9ae]

# Nyx v0.8.2

*  9.0.0 support for info and tools
*  Fix AutoBoot list for inis (More configs)
    You can now select a cfg from ini folder for autobooting
*  Update AutoRCM status when a eMMC restore occurs
*  Add Fix Archive bit support for emuMMC folders
*  Fix eMMC split restore when [ 10 parts
    (FYI nyx supports splits that are 4MB aligned. Only last part is allowed to be unaligned.)
*  Do not hide delay time option (for bootlogo) when AutoBoot is off
*  And many other bugfixes

hekate - CTCaer mod is a custom Nintendo Switch bootloader (also known as a 'payload') which allows you to boot into Linux, patch the official firmware to allow homebrew execution and includes functionality to backup and restore various aspects of the console (including the NAND flash) and mange emuMMC installations along with external payload booting all from an interactive touch responsive GUI. Hekate or another payload is required for use with the Fusee Gelee exploit and is usually injected via an external dongle, smart device or computer.

See the guide located at the URL below for one usage case scenario



hekate     (C) 2018 naehrwert, st4rk
CTCaer mod (C) 2018 CTCaer.

Thanks to: derrek, nedwill, plutoo, shuffle2, smea, thexyz, yellows8.
Greetings to: fincs, hexkyz, SciresM, Shiny Quagsire, WinterMute.

Open source and free packages used:
 - FatFs R0.13a, Copyright (C) 2017, ChaN
 - bcl-1.2.0, Copyright (C) 2003-2006, Marcus Geelnard
 - Atmosphère (SE sha256, prc id kernel patches), Copyright (C) 2018, Atmosphère-NX
 - elfload, Copyright (C) 2014 Owen Shepherd, Copyright (C) 2018 M4xw

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