Serious Sam: The First Encounter and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter on Switch

Serious Sam: The First Encounter and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter on Switch

The port of Serious Sam: The First Encounter and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter based on the fork proposed by Ryan C. Gordon via the source code Serious Engine has just appeared on the Nintendo Switch scene.

Serious Sam is a 2001 first-person shooter video game for PC. The game was developed by Croteam and then published by Gathering of Developers. It brings to life the adventures of Sam Serious Stone against Mental and its armies of monsters.

To install The First Encounter:

- unzip in the / switch / folder of your SD card
- copy all the folders and files in your game folder, except the Bin folder, to / switch / ssam_tfe /
- do not overwrite anything if asked, or you will lose the default settings.

To install The Second Encounter:

- do the same thing, but use and / switch / ssam_tse /.

Be careful, the game takes a long time to load, in some levels framerate problems can cause poor performance, which seems to be mainly caused by dynamic lights.

The original demos are out of sync, a problem that would be related to the use of version 1.10 instead of 1.07.

It is advisable not to launch it from the album because you need full access to the RAM to avoid performance losses. If the game is suspended on the first NETRICSA screen of the level, it means that it is still loading, wait a few seconds.

The default "Precache shadowmaps" option is activated, which has the effect of reducing the lag in the game, but significantly increases the loading time. If you don't want that, you can turn it off in "Advanced Options" -> "Render Options".
You can turn off dynamic lights for increased performance by setting shd_iAllowDynamic in Scripts / PersistentSymbols.ini to 0, but beware: dynamic lights are an integral part of some levels.

You can bring up the console by pressing Minus. Press A to enter the commands. If the game crashes, take a look at the log file in the game folder (ssam_tfe / ssam_tfe.log or ssam_tse / ssam_tse.log).

- Ryan C. Gordon for having cleaned the source version of Croteam, having ported it in SDL and having made it more or less clean in 64 bits
- ptitSeb for certain optimizations and corrections related to ARM and mobile GPUs
- devkitPro for devkitA64 and libraries
- Croteam for Serious Sam

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