DarkU v2.1 Released

DarkU v2.1

vincent-coding has released a new version of DarkU, which is a small python script that when used along with the homebrew application TCP Gecko allows you to change the Nintendo WiiU wallpaper color. You can choose from White, Light grey, Grey, Dark grey, Very dark grey and Black.


It is used to change the colors of the WiiU wallpaper.
Here is the list of available colors:
-Light grey
-Dark grey
-Very dark grey


To use DarkU you will need [`python.`](https://www.python.org/)
Other libraries such as [`pyGecko`](https://github.com/wiiudev/pyGecko) are required, but included in the software source code.
Please check that you have all three files:
`DARKU.py`, `common.py` and `tcpgcecko.py`.
Its three files are necessary to change the background color of the WiiU.

On your sd card, you will need:
[`Homebrew launcher`](https://www.wiiubru.com/appstore/#/app/homebrew_launcher)
[`TCP Gecko`](https://www.wiiubru.com/appstore/#/app/TCPgecko)

Download: DarkU v2.1

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