hekate - CTCaer mod v5.2.1 & Nyx v0.9.1 Released

hekate - CTCaer mod v5.2.1 & Nyx v0.9.1

CTCaer has released a new version of hekate - CTCaer mod & Nyx, whichcustom Nintendo Switch bootloader (also known as a 'payload') which allows you to boot into Linux, patch the official firmware to allow homebrew execution and includes functionality to backup and restore various aspects of the console (including the NAND flash) and mange emuMMC installations along with external payload booting all from an interactive touch responsive GUI. Hekate or another payload is required for use with the Fusee Gelee exploit and is usually injected via an external dongle, smart device or computer.


hekate     (C) 2018 naehrwert, st4rk
CTCaer mod (C) 2018 CTCaer.

Thanks to: derrek, nedwill, plutoo, shuffle2, smea, thexyz, yellows8.
Greetings to: fincs, hexkyz, SciresM, Shiny Quagsire, WinterMute.

Open source and free packages used:
 - FatFs R0.13a, Copyright (C) 2017, ChaN
 - bcl-1.2.0, Copyright (C) 2003-2006, Marcus Geelnard
 - Atmosphère (SE sha256, prc id kernel patches), Copyright (C) 2018, Atmosphère-NX
 - elfload, Copyright (C) 2014 Owen Shepherd, Copyright (C) 2018 M4xw


## Hekate 5.2.1

-   Fixed emupath key. You can now finally switch between emuMMC via config
    If that emuMMC is not found, it will now show you an error.
-   Fixed prodinfo overriding keys
-   Fixed exosphere.ini parsing (v5.2.0 shadow release)
-   Fixed some issues with FatFS

## emuMMC (since v5.2.0)

-   File based is almost as fast as RAW now
-   Updated, improved and faster SDMMC driver
    Even raw partition based got a boost.

Based on [https://github.com/m4xw/emuMMC/tree/54b9d24365e1943832a2f50b3324ca11cb0c4999]

## Nyx v0.9.1

-   Colorized icons support Thanks NicholeMattera
    Nyx now supports icons with the suffix of `_hue`. This will automatically apply your theme's color.
    For more, check readme_res.md
    To get hue supported icons and even their source to create new ones, check Hekate Icons.

-   Date/Time change via tickers
    You can now customize the date and time in Nyx, via an easy ticker way.
    This will affect the creation time for eMMC backups, so you will know when they were made.

Additional changes:

-   Fixed an issues with Archive bits Fixer
-   Add pop up when there are unsaved main config changes
    You will now be informed if you forgot to save and not wondering why the change didn't stick.
-   Allow always writable eMMC/emuMMC via `umsemmcrw` key in nyx.ini
-   Partition manager now clears start of ext4 partitions
-   Fix some issues with FatFS
-   Add status bar updating while in UMS
-   Fix time parsing
-   Along with some other changes and fixes
Download: hekate - CTCaer mod v5.2.1 & Nyx v0.9.1

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