Switch-Fightstick Fork - Use your New 3DS as a Switch Controller

Switch-Fightstick Fork - Use your New 3DS as a Switch Controller

cluckclock was bored and looking for something to do due to the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) so he decided to tinker with his Arduino and managed to write up some code that would allow him to control his Nintendo Switch using his Nintendo 3DS as a gamepad. He's decided now to share his work with others.
Quote: cluckclock

Bored and under lockdown, I finally decided to develop some kind of method for using the 3DS as a Switch controller that I had been meaning to do for a while. Repository is here.

It basically uses an Arduino to emulate a controller recognized by the Switch console. The Arduino is fed controller commands from a NodeMCU connected via WiFi to the 3DS. If you desperately need a spare controller, you might try this..

Overall, it isn't a horrible experience - latency isn't noticeable at all. Only real problem is that key presses/releases are occasionally ignored, and the circle stick and c-stick sometimes get stuck. Let me know what you think!
More infos here.

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