fastCFWswitch v1.1.0 Released

fastCFWswitch v1.1.0

Hartie95, offers a new overlay solution for the Nintendo Switch, it is fastCFWswitch.

Under this name hides a possibility to change CFW from the Tesla Menu overlay, fastCFWswitch is a menu overlay allowing you to start a payload from your SD card.

It is possible to define the name of the entry and to separate them by categories, the order is currently used directly from the .ini file.

Besides, there is an example configuration is included in the archive.

Implementation :

- Having Tesla installed on your console
- Download and extract fastCFWswitch
- Modify the config.ini file contained in config / fastCFWswitch to point to your .bin file
- Launch the Tesla Menu (keep L + low and press R3)
- Change your payload to change your CFW

Changelog v1.1.0 :
    updated to the latest libtesla version
    added support for hekates payload storage, to allow autobooting into different hekate configurations by config position or id (5.0.2+). To use this, set the bootPos or bootId field for the entry in the config file.
Download: fastCFWswitch v1.1.0

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