NOBORU v0.6 Released


Creckeryop has released a new version of NOBORU, which is a comic book reading application for homebrew enabled Sony PlayStation Vita portable video gaming consoles. It supports online enabled browsing of manga (Japanese comics) sites along with offline CBZ support.


-Browsing manga sites
-Build-in updater
-Reading manga (with Vertical or Horizontal mode!)
-MultiTouch, Swipes and other touch things
-Adding manga to library
-Loading longpages (webmanga) without downscaling (thanks to my [piclib]
-Supports CBZ format
-Reading without network (Offline mode !!Don't forget to add manga in library!! (you can also check `History` tab))


Rinnegatamante - LuaPlayerPlus_Vita
VitaSDK - vitaSDK
xerpi - libvita2d
theFloW - VitaShell for some functions

Changelog v0.6
-New user interface (hope it's not so bad :( )
-Added new modes (ByLetter ByTag Alphabetical)
-Added jump to page feature
-Added search filters support
-Added custom settings for manga (orientation, read direction, zoom)
-Added panel for reader (just tap)
-Added "follow" feature for catalogs (just sends catalog to top)
-Minor changes in data saving functions (hope it won't delete your saves)
-Fixed some invisible stuff
Download: NOBORU v0.6

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