DarkModderVC improves Sleirsgoevy's 6.72 jailbreak

DarkModderVC improves Sleirsgoevy's 6.72 jailbreak

DarkModderVC decided to improve Sleirsgoevy's jailbreak and therefore optimized the proposal, taking the basics and modifying them.

The proposals are multiplying in an attempt to limit crashes, and many are now offering their optimization, but some like Al Azif or DarModderVC are really advancing the exploit, rather than simply hosting otherwise and uploading a host.

Based on the stable version of Sleirsgoevy's exploit, the work on this DarkModderVC fork seems efficient and early users report having fewer crashes.

PS4 Jailbreak 6.72 Stable Release with Payloads Included and Stability Improved

PS4 Jailbreak 6.72 Stable Release Offline Exploit

PS4 Jailbreak 6.72 Offline Exploit Highly Stable

Download: DarkModderVC / PS4JB / LiveDemo

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