ds4touch, AutoPlugin II and LCD Color Saturation Released

ds4touch, AutoPlugin II and LCD Color Saturation

A few small novelties on the PlayStation Vita scene, this scene seems to be waking up for a few days, it must be said that TheFlow's return gives new impetus, knowing that as he announced to us, he still has some gifts to provide on this portable console.

AutoPlugin II
Developer DevDavisNunez has uploaded a new version of AutoPlugin II which is now available in v1.10, as you know Autoplugin is an application that runs on all hacked PS Vita and which allows plugins to be easily installed.
This version brings support for the very recent GePatch from TheFlow, but also for all the latest innovations on the PlayStation Vita scene, such as support for ds4touch, Sysident v1.1 or even recent plugins introduced by CBPS with QuickMenu Plus.
Changelog 1.10:
- Added TheOfficialFloW GePatch plugin in PSP plugins for Adrenaline section
- Addition of CBPS plugins: QuickMenu Plus
- Update of Sysident v1.1
- Addition of ds4touch from MERLev
- Added new Configuration option for QuicMenu Plus to Extras section
- Added a green dot for activated psp plugins and a yellow dot for those which are disabled
Download: AutoPlugin II v1.10
Brought to you by developer MERLev, ds4touch is a new plugin based on Xerpi's ds4vita source code, which has the special feature of adding touchpad support on PlayStation TV or PlayStation Vita with Mini or VitaTV.
Download: ds4touch
LCD Color Saturation
Taking the form of a VPK, the developer Electric1447 offers a new version of LCD Color Saturation, which now runs as a system application and fixes some bugs on the statuses. As a reminder, this software improves saturation on Vita 2000.
Download: LCD Color Saturation

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