Linux 3DS Updated

Linux 3DS 

While the end of production for the entire Nintendo 3DS family has brought nostalgia to most of us, reminding us that we have this console in a closet, talented developer Xerpi is offering an update to Linux.
The Linux port, which is now in version 5.9.0-rc5, is content to launch a minimalist Linux environment with Busybox and Weston. Remember that Busybox will be responsible for simulating certain programs like ls, cat, top ... and that Weston (an implementation of Wayland) allows via a compiler to offer some demos.
- Install boot9strap or fastboot3DS
- Copy the linux folder to the root of the SD card (sd: / linux /)
- Copy firm_linux_loader.firm to the SD card: sd: / luma / payloads /
- Run the .firm file to boot linux: you can add a prefix to the file such as down_firm_linux_loader.firm to boot linux if you power on while pressing the "down" key.
- Enjoy
Connection to Linux:
User: root
Password: root
FIRM Linux loader:
Download: Linux_3DS

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