Atmosphere 0.16.1 (pre-release)

Atmosphere 0.16.1 (pre-release)

SciresM has just put online the new version of Atmosphere 0.16.1 (Pre-release) which therefore replaces 0.16.0 which ultimately never had an official release. The developer takes his principle of "pre-release" and therefore offers the first version 0.16.1 of Atmosphere.

The fortieth version of Atmosphere has just been released, pre-release version 0.16.1 is compatible with firmware 11.0.1
fusee-primary was last updated in: 0.16.0 (Please note that Atmosphere version 0.16.1 is currently in preview)
If any bugs are reported while Atmosphere is in pre-release, they will be corrected and the version will be updated. Version 0.16.1 will upgrade to the final version after a short time.
Thanks to the @switchbrew team, Atmosphere 0.16.1 comes with hbl 2.4.0 (pre-release), and hbmenu 3.4.0 (pre-release).
The following has changed since the last version:
- Support has been added for firmware 11.0.1.
- mesosphere has been updated.
- A new svc :: InfoType added in 11.0.0 has been implemented (it was not discovered until 0.16.0 was released).
- The new CFI (Control Flow Integrity) logic added in the 11.0.0 kernel has been implemented. In fact the CFI logic has been overhauled and cleaned up to reflect the changes in behavior and structure of the new modules in the system.
- exosphere has been updated to allow dynamic control of the uart port used for the implementation of log logs. This can be controlled by modifying the log_port, log_baud_rate and log_inverted fields in exosphere.ini.
- mesosphere has been updated to improve debugging capabilities. This is still a work in progress, but the developers might be interested.
- A bug has been fixed which caused an error from fatality to fatality if the fatal process was already being debugged.
- Several issues have been fixed, and usability and stability have been improved.
Download: Atmosphere 0.16.1 (pre-release)

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