SkyNX v1.1 Released - Motion Controls For Cemu Added!

SkyNX v1.1 - Motion Controls For Cemu !

DevL0rd has released a new version of SkyNX, which is a replacement for the abandoned In-Home-Switching. SkyNX allows you to stream your PC games to your Nintendo Switch without Android! The desktop streaming client, which is based on Google Chrome is completely new. The Switch app however has it's roots in the original In-Home-Switching app.

If you're interested in seeing this streaming application in action you can check out a video that Jonny Troche published here. The video shows off the smooth 60fps streaming the app can achieve then also has a bonus at the end - using your Switch to play your Xbox One games!
Quote: DevL0rd

How to use your Switch as a WiiU Game Pad in Cemu using SkyNX!

It's actually a really short tutorial, so don't worry about it being too diffcult to get up and running.

Before we begin, note that you will need to connect your computer up to a second display, as one will be use for the gamepad. I'll try to implement a feature in the future so that this is no neccisary but for now, sadly it is.

If you have not heard of SkyNX and how to set it up, you can find the download and the instructions here.

If you don't have Cemu for emulating WiiU Games, you can find that here here.

One more thing before we continue that I feel is very important to mention here, is that we definitely don't condone piracy. Please only use games that you legitimately own.

Ok. With all that out of the way let the tutorial commence! 1. First, like when streaming any game with SkyNX, set your primary monitors resolution to 1280 X 720. This will be the monitor the game pad will be on.

1.  Go ahead and start the streamer app on the desktop. And connect your switch.

2.  Now lets configure your controller inputs in Cemu.

*  First go to the Options ] Input Settings in the toolbar at the top of Cemu.

*  Set your Controller 1's

-   Stream PC games with audio to switch at 60fps!
-   Handles up to 4 JoyCon pairs. (4 Players at once!)
-   Optionally disable video to use the JoyCons as remotes on PC!
-   Optionally disable audio.
-   Optionally swap A and B AND X and Y.
-   Handles basic touch input.
-   Handles right click. (Touch with 1 finger, tap with the second)
-   Handles scrolling. (Your standard 2 finger scroll.)


1.  Copy the switch folder in, to the root of your sd card.
2.  Install the forwarder with a nsp installer such as Goldleaf.
3.  Extract to somewhere safe.
4.  Set desktop and game resolution to 1280 X 720. (Massively improves latency to match switch resolution.)
5.  Open SkyNXStreamer-win32-ia32/SkyNXStreamer.exe
6.  Launch SkyNX on switch.
7.  Put the IP showed on the app into the streamer.
8.  Click start streamer.

NOTE: This version stores the app Nro in it's own folder. IE: switch/SkyNX/SkyNX.nro
Because of this the forwarder has been updated. And the app has been updated, and the streamer has been updated.
So if you have the pre-releases, update everything!

Changelog v1.1
- No bug fixes just yet, just wanted to, idk... Add motion support for Cemu!

Download: SkyNX v1.1

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