fastCFWswitch 1.2.0 Released

fastCFWswitch 1.2.0

Hartie95 has just released a new version of fastCFWswitch, as a reminder, there is a possibility to change CFW from the Tesla Menu overlay, fastCFWswitch is an overlay menu allowing you to start a payload from your SD card. 

It is possible to define the name of the entry and separate them by categories, the order is currently used directly from the .ini file.

Implementation :
- Have Tesla installed on his console
- Download and extract fastCFWswitch
- Modify the config.ini file contained in config / fastCFWswitch to point to your .bin file
- Launch the Tesla Menu (hold L + down and press R3)
- Change your payload to change your CFW
Version 1.2.0 unveiled by HArtie95 adds ums support in Hekate's boots.
Download: fastCFWswitch 1.2.0

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