Haku33 v2.9 Released

Haku33 v2.9

StarDustCFW has released a new version of Haku33, which is a homebrew application for the Nintendo Switch that claims to clean up your NAND to make it just as the same as when you purchased your Switch. Supposedly this is what it does, but I'm not too sure of that claim. Use at your own peril.

## Haku33

*   Perform a Hard Reset of the switch, and leave it as if it had just left the box
*   Use 90s DNS or delete all internet conections and turn off AirPlane mode

## Reason

*   In case you don't have a clean copy of the nand, clean it and start using all original or use emunand

## Disclaimer

*   It is advisable to make a backup before using it, since despite being well tested, failures can occur.
*   I am not responsable of bricks, melted switch, plasma explotions or full immolation
*   The premise is elimination. Can it be the lack of information that makes you get banned? So far the case has not happened.
*   It is true that it is not 100% safe, but the people who have tested it have not been banned yet [Reference]
*   Haku33 is a simplification of this [method of clean]
*   If you have a clean backup of the Nand, it is better use that, and under no circunstances use this on the switch IPatched(Mariko) .
*   If your console is Banned there is nothing to do
*   This will completely clean your switch, so you will lose everything

### Note:

Keep in mind that this program will not UNBAN you, or will it make you immune to BAN. You will have a console as just out of the box, that's it. So you can go online as long as you keep the console clean of cfw.

*   *   It is a program that temporarily stops critical console services. So if it freezes, you should heed the warnings on the screen before asking for [support]
*   *   In case off freeze press 15s the Power and try again.
*   *   I recommend always have a backup of the nand for security reasons.


devkitPro for the devkitA64 toolchain.

Changelog v2.9
-some bug fix for evoid a freeze

Download: Haku33 v2.9

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