JKSV (05.20.2020) Released

JKSV (05.20.2020)

JK / J-D-K has released a new version of JKSV, which is a fast and simple save game manager for your homebrew enabled Nintendo Switch hybrid video gaming console. This new release features to ability to delete save data from your console, supports some translatable menu options, but unfortunately removes touch screen support.

JKSV allows you to backup and restore your save game data without the need to spend money on Nintendo's online service which has limited capabilities on what you can do and not do with the data.


JKSV on Switch started as a small project/port to test some things and get familiar with libnx. A list of what it currently can do:

1.  Dump and restore save data.
     -This includes the ability to dump and restore to/from any location on SD by pressing minus and using the Advanced Mode.
2.  Dump system save data
    -Pressing all four shoulder buttons at once will rescan and include the previously unlisted system saves.
    -Dumping this data is allowed, but writing back is not.
3.  Open and explore bis storage partitions via the Extras menu
    -BIS Storage is opened inside a basic filebrowser. The partition's listing is on the left. Your SD is on the right.
    -Only copying to SD and file properties work on BIS partitions. Writing to and deleting are disabled for now.
4.  Misc Extras:
    -NAND Dumping
    -Ability to remove downloaded firmware updates from NAND.
    -Terminating processes by [ID](https://switchbrew.org/wiki/Title_list#System_Modules). Allowing you to dump normally unopenable system archives.
    -Mount by System Save [ID](https://switchbrew.org/wiki/Flash_Filesystem#System_Savegames). Normally used when the terminated process makes JKSV unable to rescan titles without the Switch crashing.


-shared-font example by yellows8
-Authors of switch-examples for account and save mounting code.
-Iguniisu for the icon.

Changelog 05.20.2020
Hold time for confirmation is shortened. Options are added to completely disable it depending on what you want.
    Minus and ZR are swapped for Options and Extras on the user selection screen
    Exploring the romfs of the title taken over by the homebrew menu is back in the extras menu.
    Save Data can be erased from your system in the title selection screen like in the switch's settings menu. Holding A is required to confirm this.
    A custom path for JKSV can be used by creating a file named jksv_dir.txt in your switch folder and typing the path you want to use. This must end with a /. For example, sdmc:/switch/.JKSV/ will make JKSV use a folder in the switch folder that is hidden from the hbmenu.
    Dump All can now be exited early by holding B until the current file is finished.
    The User selection screen has been changed to only show the maximum number of users instead of the title select's max of 32.
    Certain strings can be translated with en-US.txt in JKSV's romfs. Naming this file trans.txt and placing it in JKSV's working directory will make JKSV load it instead of the default US text by myself. This is not 100% complete yet. Please wait if you're interested in making a translation to be included with JKSV in the future.
    Various new options.
    Touch controls have been removed. Sorry.
Download: JKSV (05.20.2020)

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