NEUTOS Has Been Discontinued

NEUTOS Has Been Discontinued

Due to ReiNX v3.0's release borntohonk the author of NEUTOS has discontinued the project. When I asked him about it he told me the goal of the project was to provide a CFW solution that would not restrict usage to only homebrew that's approved by a certain group and now that ReiNX has risen from the ashes he wants everyone to transition to using it.

Quote: borntohonk

NeutOS has been discontinued in favor of ReiNX, as it has returned to fulfill the role that NeutOS set out to fill.

You can find ReiNX's source code at

There will also be a binary release of ReiNX rehosted here for people who use neutos-updater to be able to transition to it.

Note: ReiNX does not support emummc/emunand currently.

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