Switch Theme Injector v4.5 and NXThemes Installer v2.4 Released

Switch Theme Injector v4.5 and NXThemes Installer v2.4

Exelix11 has just released two new versions of its Switch Theme Injector and NXThemes Installer tools.

Switch Theme Injector is responsible for applying auto fixes like apps to common.szs files and easily replaces bntx file. NXThemes Install when it, as its name suggests, allows you to install the themes directly on your Nintendo Switch, it is compatible with NXThemes and szs.tv.

Changelog Switch Theme Injector v4.5 and NXThemes Installer v2.4:
- 10.1.0 firmware support
- Removed support for the Random Themes System module as it was obsolete. It was known to cause problems, please stop using it.
- Improved the speed of extracting the home menu, it should only take a few seconds
- Fixed several crashes reported by users
- Preparations for something cool to come

Download: Switch Theme Injector v4.5 and NXThemes Installer v2.4

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