Cemu 1.22.1 Released

Cemu 1.22.1

ExZap offers a brand new innovative version of Cemu which is now v1.22.1, and as you know it is the best Nintendo Wii U emulator. The app allows us as a reminder to run Wii U games on 64-bit Windows PCs. Developer offers stability improvements
and user interface changes.

Cemu detailed changelog for 1.22.1

# Patreon release date: 2020-12-02
# Public release date: 2020-12-09

UI: Removed console region selection since there is no practical reason to set it to anything but auto
UI: Moved async shader compilation setting from the experimental menu into the graphic settings

coreinit: Various tweaks to the threading implementation to fix potential softlocks and crashes
coreinit: Reworked parts of the file and save system implementation to improve stability and to utilize the new threading code
           Also fixed an issue where Cemu could softlock or crash when reading files from very slow drives

debugging: Added PPC stack trace to crash logs

GX2: Implemented API GX2RSetVertexUniformBlock
Download: Cemu 1.22.1

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