Atmosphere 0.14.2 Released

Atmosphere 0.14.2

SciresM has just released version 0.14.2 of Atmosphere. As you know, if you already have it, to update or install this new version, it is recommended to delete the / atmosphere, / bootloader and / sept folders and insert the new files.
Atmosphere 0.14.2 is the 35th official version of Atmosphere.

Atmosphere 0.14.2 comes with hbl 2.3.4, and hbmenu 3.3.0.

     -A bug has been fixed that could cause a crash when installing mitm services.
    Fixing this bug required a drastic change in client behavior when installing a mitm service, and therefore custom system modules that use mitm will need to be recompiled to function properly.
    -A bug has been corrected, which caused Atmosphere system modules to react incorrectly when receiving invalid messages.
    -A bug has been fixed which caused the fatal automatic restart timer to malfunction.
    -Support has been added to fusee for loading binaries for mesosphere, Atmosphere's reimplementation of the Nintendo Switch kernel.
    -Version 0.14.2 does not include the Mesosphere, but those who are particularly interested can build and test the Mesosphere themselves.
    In the future, to allow for a sufficient testing period, ATM versions will distribute two zips for a period of time. One zip will use the mesosphere, and the other won't. This will allow interested users to choose to use the mesosphere before it has been tested to be stable. When the mesosphere is stable and well tested, it will be enabled by default and the version of Atmosphere will be upgraded to version 1.0.0.
    -General system stability improvements to improve user experience.
Download: Atmosphere 0.14.2

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