Deepsea 1.6.0 Released

Deepsea 1.6.0

Team Neptune is back with a new version of Deepsea. DeepSea is an AiO package, always based on the latest version of Atmosphere, in this case v0.14.2, and comes with the latest versions of homebrews.

Changelog 1.6.0:
- Added Homebrew App Store to minimum offer.
- Updated atmosphere
- Update of ldn_mitm
Note that the rewrite of the toolbox is still under development but it will soon be published in its first version. Its purpose is to have a homebrew to control your system. She will be able to edit Atmosphere configuration files as well as Hekate's, update Deepsea with a desired package and have a place with useful information like 90DNS, homebrews and their characteristics ...
Atmosphere - 0.14.2
Awoo Installer - 1.3.3
DeepSea Cleaner - v1.1.0
DeepSea Toolbox - v5.0.0
DeepSea Updater - 4.2.1
EdiZon - snapshot
Emuiibo - 0.5.1
Goldleaf - 0.8
Hekate - v5.3.2
Hekate Icons - v3.0.0
Homebrew App Store - hbas-2.2
JKSV - 07/06/2020
Lockpick_RCM - v1.8.4
NXMTP - v0.1.4
Status Monitor Overlay - 0.6.3
Tesla-Menu - v1.1.3
ldn_mitm - v1.5.0
nx-ovlloader - v1.0.6
ovlSysModules - v1.2.1
sys-clk - 1.0.0
sys-con - v0.6.2
sys-ftpd-light - 1.0.4
Download: Deepsea 1.6.0

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